The New Frame - oak arrives
This is a fairly major part of the whole project - the framing of the new oak frame that will form the basis of the rear extension. Here...

Green Oak Frame - Roof
Now that all the cross frames are done its time to turn our attention to the roof - namely the purlins and windbraces which will in turn...

Green Oak Frame - Sling Brace Cross Frame
I thought this cross frame deserved its own post because it looks so flippin' awsome! This is the last truss to frame and will form the...

Green Oak Frame - Cross frames
Now that the both side walls are complete its time to begin the first of four cross frames. As usual the main component timbers the make...

Green oak frame - side walls
The first sections of the frame to be built are the side walls. We're working on on side wall at a time. Here the joints for 'top plates'...

Sitting Room Sole Plates
This is last major part of sole plate repair - a nice straight run of sole plate and a couple of posts which have rotted away along the...

The Dining Room Doorway
A quick update with some more photos of the final structural oak repairs in the dining room of the old cottage. These consist of creating...